SEO Friendly Website

SEO Friendly Website means a lot when it comes to getting your page URL found and displayed in the Search Engines. Just writing a bunch of content about a subject won't make it friendly to the robots that search engines use to "Understand" your content.

Getting an SEO Friendly Website to be well ranked and therefore displayed on the first few pages of search results requires several things. If you play a game with a group of people, there have to be some basic rules used to prevent chaos. The Internet works the same way. When the robots read and memorize your content, they need a particular order - or set of rules - to actually know what the content is all about. 

It really doesn't matter what type of system you use to build the website page, as long as you follow some guidelines, it will do well. The first guideline would be chose the exact wording of your URL that you want to use carefully. Research if the phrase/word you want to use is within the words or phrases that are typed when you look for something. When you are searching for something on Google, watch to see what is filled in as you type. Example would be if you are searching for the word "Bike". You'll notice that it will offer (pre-typed phrases for you) "Bikes near you"; "Bike Trainer";  "Bike Trailer", etc. All of these words/phrases are "Popular" phrases already used by people searching for Bike related items.

You may certainly create a new phrase, if it makes sense. However, Google is "telling you" what is already a good phrase to write about. It is already a category within the Search Engine.

The Title of this page is phrased the way it is because that's what was prompted by Google - SEO Friendly Website.

What makes a SEO Friendly Website?

SEO Friendly SEO Picture Phrasing

Aside from the Title being researched before using, now we get into the details of what Google wants.

  • The URL is the exact wording for the page.
  • The Title on the page itself is again, the exact wording in plain English
  • That same exact keyword phrase is within the first 90 characters of the first sentence/paragraph.
  • The keyword phrase is intermingled within about every 100 words in your content.
  • Should have at least 400 words of content about the keyword phrase primarily.
  • Your pictures should have Alt Text and the Title Text area filled in.
  • Should have at least 1 or 2 outbound links off the page to a relevant subject.
  • Should have a sub-heading about the subject.
  • Proper and the latest version of "Breadcrumb" linking for robots and readers.
  • Your main website Footer page should all have your company info, dates of existence, address, etc.

These types of guidelines will help Google recognize you as someone who is serious about their website and wants to provide quality information is the proper format. A Win-Win for all!

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