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Chamber of Commerce Marketing Help

Chamber of Commerce Marketing Help is so important to a local community. We transform your chamber traffic and bring people back to your website, not Facebook. Over the years, we've seen local Chamber sites with a "static" website. Looks great, but is difficult to update and show current events, new businesses, ribbon cuttings, etc. Why??

Many Chambers didn't really understand what they needed as a website so they find themselves using Facebook to promote their new businesses, ribbon cuttings, etc. That's "OK". However, you're just driving traffic away from your core. Worse, as soon as you make a post on Facebook, the most current post now drops out of site!! 

If you have a "fluid" type website and marketing person to pull it all together, you will then do all your announcements, ribbon cuttings, new businesses, Bus of the Weeks, Business of the Month, etc. on your website. Then you "announce" that new updated information on your Facebook Page with a direct link back to your Chamber website page about that event or occasion. Facebook becomes your "Billboard" announcing that something new has been posted on your website. That will start driving your viewers back to your website where they also find out you have a banquet in 2 months or a big weekend event in 2 weeks.

New Boston Chamber of Commerce

The New Boston Chamber of Commerce is a great example of this. They were hosted by a company that created a nice website for them. However, they couldn't get that company to make any changes on a regular basis - even an events schedule!! The website became "static". This forced the Chamber to utilize Facebook for all their announcements. Their viewer traffic dropped to virtually nothing - why go to the Chamber site - nothing was ever "new".

We met with the Board and showed them what a dynamic website could be like. We created Business of the Week pages, New Business to join the Chamber pages, Business of the Week and Business of the Month pages. Plus, as a business joined the Chamber they were added to an alphabetical and a category list page with a direct link to their website and a phone number, plus their location on a map. All their various events now suddenly had their own pages - Chamber Banquet, the Chamber Beauty Pageant, Parades, Freedom Fest, Fall Festival, etc.

You'll see in their website nice large pictures to really show off their businesses and events. Afterall, the Chamber Mission is about helping their businesses grow. Guess what?? Their traffic has tripled within 2 years. 2 years ago it was great to have a 2,000 viewers a month. Now, that site is averaging 7852 with some months as high as 11,000+!!! :)

As a result of this type of strategy, your website becomes more important and provides all the information needed to help make your Chamber successful again!

Please reach out to us through our Contact Us form and we can review your current situation and perhaps offer some incite to help you grow your Chamber website back to where it needs to be - "The" place for all your information.

Questions? Or need help?? Contact Me