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Facebook Business Page Setup

Facebook Business Page Icon

Facebook Business Page Setup walks you thru the easy process of editing your business page so the search engines find you and display your page on the Internet. We've all experienced that desperate feeling of trying to find a Business Facebook Page and it just isn't showing up. Or, worse, you put in what you think is the name and 10 results all have the same name!! Which one is the one you want!?!?

We've out together a Video, a PDF and a full description on this page for you. It only takes a few minutes to "clean it up" so the search engines know you and your customers find you.

Editing your business page can only be done on your laptop or desktop. You won't see the 1st and most important section to edit on your phone - sorry! Perhaps someday?

Facebook Business Page Setup in Text

Facebook Business Page Procedure

Prepare and think about your “Business Name”.

  • It should be something easily recognizable for the public.
  • Avoid using apostrophe (‘s) and the & - both symbols cause problems within the coding on the Internet.
  • Before deciding, search Facebook and the internet search bar for the “proposed” name you want to use. If too common, rethink your name. This “Business Page” will be one of the biggest billboards promoting you – think/decide carefully before choosing name.
  • Strongly suggest you have at least your town name or state at the end of it. Help the human find you easier. We’ve all seen search results with several similar names coming up – Marco Pizza!! Having your town or area as part of your name will certainly help people select yours! Try to be unique in the name.

First Rule of Facebook – it will always be changing how the setup is done!!!  ☹ 
Hopefully, it will remain similar to how it is “today”.

You’ll have to have a personal account first.

Your business page will always be signed in thru your personal page.

How to Create New Business Page

Once logged in personally, go to the top center “House Icon” and select that.

Left side column – “see more”

Scroll down to “Pages” and select that

Top Left column is “Create new profile or Page” select

Select “Public Page”

Then – “Get Started” > Create a Page

Page Name – This will be the large Type “Title” of your page.

Be sure of your spelling, grammar, etc. when doing your business name. Once you type it in and accept it, it is locked in for 60 days!! I suggest capitalizing each word so the human brain reads it easier. Ex: DeKalb TX Oktoberfest - Spaces should be used.

Fill in as much info as you can. Once your have submitted your information, it “usually” accepts you right away. Perhaps refresh your screen.

Now, on the top right will be a round circle with your new page showing. Click that round circle to go to your new “Business Page”. Sometimes, you have to also select that name on the top left area as well.

On the left side column select “Settings”.

Go to “Page setup” to have your name in the url bar – instead of a series of numbers that don’t tell search engine anything!

First line that comes up is Name – click “View”

Your “Name” should be what you typed during the setup of this page. You must wait 60 days between changes of that name, so hopefully it is what you wanted.

The USERNAME is critical!!! This tells the search engines exactly who you are and perhaps where you are!!

This must be all one word. I strongly suggest you capitalize the first letter of each word – again, helps the human also. Ex: DeKalbTXOktoberfest

Do NOT include the original numbers at all…… Again, think very carefully about this name and its spelling, etc. – stuck with it for 60 days. Remember Marco’s Pizza??? No town listed… 90% of humans won’t bother to click that link!!!!

You’ll need your password to make this change.

All done with this area.

Now, come all the way back out to your Business Page – top Left return arrow.

Once there, you’ll probably be in the “About” section? Make sure you are in the “Posts” section.

Left Center will be the “Intro” section. Here’s where you edit your Bio….

Follow specific formatting here:

  • Use the “Flagpole” - straight line on keyboard right above the enter key to separate with spaces. The number of characters keeps changing. Try to stay within 100 characters.
  • Exact Name as in your Title
  • Location
  • What you do
  • Then you can add something – but, basics first! EX: Url of    That would become in this edit of the Bio - Awesome Pizza | DeKalb TX | Family Restaurant | Dine-in | Takeout | Slices | Full Menu

After doing your “Bio”, go down to the next section and “edit” your details. Be sure your full address is there, your phone number, email address and website, if you have one. Do NOT rely on Facebook Messenger only!!! Many people don’t have a Facebook account of don’t like to use Messenger – Help people get to your business. This IS a business page!! Put in your phone number and email address!

OK, you’re ready to start engaging people and followers, likes, etc. Try to monitor and answer questions as people ask. You can also setup automatic replies thru Meta to get people to go back to website if you have one?

Link to Video:

Rather have a PDF you can download and print out??


Questions? Or need help?? Contact Me