Poor Ranking is everyone's nightmare! We all dread not being on page 1 of search results. Here we show how to verify issues. This article will help you understand what to do if you have most of the "Basics".
This discussion will be about why your website is or isn’t on that
first page of search results, especially if you’ve done all the basics. Always remember, the goal of the search engines is to provide the best possible results for the searcher.
Let’s assume you have the necessary details covered on your website —
title, keywords, description, 400-plus words of content, a footer,
20-plus pages, privacy policy, pictures with descriptions and links.
You’ve worked really hard on your site and it’s typically only on Page 8
of the search results. How could that "Poor Ranking" be happening?
There are many factors that will cause this. They include:
Some of these poor ranking questions you can answer yourself when you look at your search
results for your business. Others will require looking at your monthly
reports from your webmaster, such as bounce rate, length of time on
site, pages per visit and whether generic results are climbing. Perhaps you
have everything done correctly, but your 400-plus words of content are
not very good, copied or just not informative.
By the way, NEVER copy content from another website. The search
engines have every page it has ever looked at memorized. Copying someone
else’s content is a huge negative to your site, trust me, the search
engines will know it, too.
A very common problem with the typical business owner is a website
was built years ago and “forgotten.” No new pages were added and the
information was not updated. The search engines “know” all of this. Plus,
when a visitor looks at your site and doesn’t see anything of value to
them, they leave quickly.
All of this is taken into account with the Googles/Yahoos/Bings. If
your website isn’t providing a good experience to visitors, they won’t
put you on Page 1. It’s that simple! Poor ranking can really damage your sales and company exposure to the World!! This is why many of the large
company websites are better placed on search results. They’ve made sure
to follow SEO best practices and are always updating pages and adding
new content.
A good example will be a large franchise RV park company. If you
have one locally, look at all the pages they have under their “main”
home page. They will provide their website basics to your local
competitor so he is part of a larger website. That is literally
thousands of webpages.
You can compete with them and still be on Page 1, but it will take a
dedicated professional webmaster. That does not have to cost a lot of
money, just a knowledgeable webmaster who knows how to “work the system”
properly. Fancy pictures, code and graphics are not the answer.
Playing within all the rules of the search engines is the correct way to avoid poor ranking!
Next installment will be a discussion about the social networks and how they have an impact on search results.
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